25 April 2011

That Crazy Red Hat

I'd been browsing through some "felters" sites and saw some of the most wonderful, and some of the most weird hats, so I just had to have some fun.   Part of the exercise was to learn how to felt the hat and the ribbons joined together as one piece.  Of course after I'd done it, I thought of all the other places I could have placed the ribbons for better effect instead of on the back.  Isn't it typical! 

The decorative stitching is all cotton perle thread.  It took a bit of time couching the perle onto the thin edges of the hat and ribbons but it gave a nice finished edge. And I just happen to have a bead that had the right colours to match.
The long peak folded in and shaped the crown nicely.  I was going to needle felt the felt ribbons up the side of the hat  but ended up using the decorative stitch to attach them instead.  None of the decorative stitching is visible on the inside of the hat as I pulled the thread through the middle of the felt.

I think I'll have to try this again.

23 April 2011

Sliced Sausage

Thought I needed to make a stripey sausage for a project I'll do one day.  When I think of what it is, I'll have them ready.  I used a Stanley knife (packageing knife) to slice the sausage and blunted 4 blades.  At just over 2 inches it was too thick to cut with scissors. There must be an easier way or a better tool.

22 April 2011

Cherry Guavas

Good enough to eat.  These little balls are a practice for putting colour where I want it to go in small things like this.  They look just like the cherry guavas that my tree produces in abundance.   Well almost.

20 April 2011

An Uneven Vessel

I'd read that a football is a good resist to felt a vessel on so thought I'd give it a try.  It seems to have worked out ok. The red wool embellishing took me weeks to do.  It's textured knitting wool that I couched very densely over sections of the brown and white base of the vessel. The stitched trim on the top points is just there to add interest.  I sometimes think I only make things because I like to do the embellishing.   Now I have to do it more often to warrant the cost of the ball and pump.  Or is it going to be another tool in the back of the cupboard......... naughty me.

19 April 2011

Fabric Beads

I sat down last week and made these 162 fabric beads.  Haven't done that since I was a kid.....make beads that is.......not 162 though.  This time around I used Decoupage Finish in the whole process for most of them. For the first dozen I used PVA Glue than finished with Gloss Varnish but then I found that the Decoupage Finish could be used as the glue and the varnish all in one.  It also required less coats for the smoother finish if that's what's wanted.  Anyway, they make a lovely decorative bowl of lollies don't they. And all sugar free.